In the module “Events Manager, Create events & Sell tickets Online” (eventsmanager) up to version 4.4.0 from FME Modules for PrestaShop, a guest can download personal information without restriction.


  • CVE ID: CVE-2024-33271
  • Published at: 2024-04-25
  • Platform: PrestaShop
  • Product: eventsmanager
  • Impacted release: <= 4.3.0 (4.4.0 fixed the vulnerability)
  • Product author: FME Modules
  • Weakness: CWE-359
  • Severity: high (7.5), GDPR violation


Due to a lack of permissions control, a guest can download data from ps_customer such as : name / surname / email

CVSS base metrics

  • Attack vector: network
  • Attack complexity: low
  • Privilege required: none
  • User interaction: none
  • Scope: unchanged
  • Confidentiality: high
  • Integrity: none
  • Availability: none

Vector string: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N

Possible malicious usage

  • Steal personal data

Other recommendations

  • It’s recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the module eventsmanager.


Date Action
2024-01-18 Issue discovered during a code review by
2024-01-18 Contact PrestaShop Addons security Team to confirm version scope by author
2024-01-18 Contact PrestaShop Addons security Team confirms version scope
2024-03-29 Author provide a patch
2024-04-23 Received CVE ID
2024-04-25 Publish this security advisory